We are all familiar with homeland, nostalgia and Alma Mater, but when we put that context into a group of Russian Alumni from Harbin Institute of Technology who lived in China and then worked overseas, those words will be painted with another level of love.

这是一群特殊的校友。 他们年过花甲;他们源自俄罗斯帝国 (Российская империя 或者 Russia Empire);在他们入学的时候,我们的母校还叫做 Harbin Polytechnical Institute。他们随着父母或者祖辈移民到哈尔滨; 因为各种社会原因搬迁到中国居住;我们遇到的这些校友都在哈尔滨出生;他们的亲戚朋友在哈尔滨也有着千丝万缕的联系,形成了一个共同的特殊的故乡 Harbin。1898年,哈尔滨建造铁路,许多俄罗斯人来打工,来创业,再往后也有来避难的。 据哈尔滨人介绍,他们当中的相当一部分在哈尔滨被称作 ‘白俄’ 。这种称呼在当时的哈尔滨代表着富商,贵族, 专家,上流社会等诸如此类的含义。通俗的说,就说俄国的富人。请注意这里的白俄和现在的白俄罗斯共和国 (Беларусь)并不是一个概念,因为后者是在1991年苏联解体之后才正式成立。他们在哈工大学习和成长,经历过当时多变的的政治环境。他们毕业之后带着优异的成绩和能力,作为国际型人才旅居到世界各地,是哈工大很早期的一批精英代表。
They are a special group of people. They are now over eighty years old; their origin was from former Russia Empire; They enrolled into our university when it was called Harbin Polytechnical Institute. All of the alumni we met were born in Harbin. It was their parents and grandparents who migrated there at various times and for various reasons. As the headquarters of the Chinese Eastern Railway enterprise from 1898 Harbin attracted people from the far reaches of the Russian empire. Some came as employees of the railway, others as entrepreneurs, still others fled the Bolshevik revolution and the civil war that followed. According to local people, they were often referred to as ‘Bai Er’*, which represent, noble, high rank, rich and upper class Russians. It is not difficult to picture that they tried hard to performed well in various aspects of their lives. After they graduated, they moved to other countries such as Australia and Israel , tagged by elite alumni of the very early stage of HIT.
*Please note that ‘Bai Er’ is different from ‘White Russia’, as the later is a political identification which derives from the fact that many of the families of these people were supporters of the White Armies, the military forces that opposed the ‘red Bolsheviks’. Also ‘Bai Er’ has nothing to do with Беларусь, which was established in 1991.
提到俄罗斯,大家并不陌生。因为他的前身苏联是冷战时期的两个超级大国之一,第一个实现载人航天的高科技强国。虽然苏联经历无数的磨难直至最终国家解体;虽然其继承者俄罗斯的科研实力一直在吃苏联的老本,但是时至今日俄罗斯依然是世界顶尖的军事强国。现在,我们提到的俄国的军工和高科技,提起俄罗斯工程师 Russian Engineer 大家都会认同到一个字 —— ‘强’。而在澳洲有这样一本书,他的名字叫做《Russian Engineers in Australia: (the Alumni of the Harbin Polytechnical Institute)》,作者:Victor Jakovlevich Vinocuroff,收藏在澳大利亚国家图书馆 (National Library of Australia). ISBN: 0868396362,记录着俄国工程师和我们的母校那些千丝万缕的联系和渊源。
Russian engineers have very high reputation. People show respect to their high-end technology especially in military arena. Russian engineers send the first human being into outer space, and their products dominate a great share of world’s Military Market today even after suffering years of stagnancy in advancing technologies. There is a book archived in National Library of Australia, Russian Engineers in Australia: (the Alumni of the Harbin Polytechnical Institute), authored by Victor Jakovlevich Vinocuroff, ISBN 0868396363, which documented the Russian alumni and their relationships with our University.

2015年11月7日下午,丁雪梅副校长带着哈工大代表团从阿德莱德大学飞到悉尼专程拜访这一群特殊的老校友。丁老师这次来澳洲是深化中澳教学合作,叫做 Go8 and C9 Partnership,这还是在2012年,由哈工大作为主要发起机构,由当时的王树国校长推动创建,被媒体誉为中国常青藤和澳洲常青藤的强强联合。丁老师专程拜访这些俄罗斯老校友是此次澳洲之行的一部分,哈工大澳洲校友会也参加了这次活动。这次活动的主办场地在 Andrew 和 Mara 的家中, Mara的妈妈就是这群特殊的澳洲校友中的一位,她的名字叫做 Inna Moustafine, 1947-1951 就读于哈工大于东方经济专业(Faculty of Economics and Oriental Studies),Mara的父亲 Alec 也在同一个专业比Inna 早毕业一年 (1946-1950)。
On Novemeber 7th, 2015, VP XueMei Ding and her team flew from Adelaide to Sydney specifically for visiting these group of Russian Alumni. Ms Ding went to Adelaide for strengthening Go8 and C9 Partnership, which was an initiative promoted by HIT back in 2012. They arrived at Sydney Airport in the noon and then directly drove to Andrew and Mara’s home, a cozy place for today’s gathering. Mara’s parents were both graduated from HIT. Her mom, Inna, studied in Faculty of Economics and Oriental Studies, between 1947 and 1951. Her dad, Alec, studied in the same department from 1946 to 1950.
在以 Victor 为主的讲述中,我们聆听了那段哈工大的历史,重温了我们熟悉的‘规格严格,功夫到家’。 Victor 幽默风趣,用流利的中文和大家对话。 言谈之间洋溢着在哈工大学习的自豪和骄傲。作为哈工大的校友,他们每过几年就做一次校友的档案,记录每一位校友的工作成绩,家庭情况,详细记载了各项活动。里面有各种珍贵的复印件,证书,剪彩仪式,邀请函,当然还有大家的合影和生活照片。
Victor, a coordinator of the group gave a detailed talk about their history in HIT. Surprisingly, Victor delivered his talk in Chinese like his mother tongue with a bit accent from Harbin. He brought us series of books, archived in details what happened for every Russian Alumni in Australia. There are descriptions about their family, their work, achievements, photocopies of invitation cards from the Queen, photos of ceremonies, copies of academic publications, and of course records of each gathering, meeting and wedding scenes. Victor walked us through some historical events, and he pictured a few great stories during their time in Universities.

每一位校友都有详细的记载,每一个条目都工工整整,按照统一的规格排列:有英语,有俄语,也有汉语。在那个没有互联网的时代,一份真挚的情怀,众多校友的感情,不变的严谨精神,一贯认真的态度,凝结成了这样一套收藏在哈工大博物馆里的丛书。书中处处体现着深情凝聚和开拓,在场的所有人都为之震撼。各位年逾花甲的校友们对母校的深情也深深的感染着我们每一位聆听者。在讲解的过程中,Victor还带领大家饶有兴致的唱起了当年的流行歌曲《东方红》 。 “东方红~,太阳升~ 中国出了个毛泽东~ … ” 熟悉的旋律,熟悉的东北口音,瞬间把大家穿越到那个特殊的岁月。Victor对着年轻的校友们说,那时候你们还都没有出生。在这些校友的家庭中,我们发现校友中的大多数人,都有着极其优秀的子女。他们的后人分布在澳洲的各个重要的岗位。有的还被女王接见和表彰,拥有在英联邦国家难得的至高的荣誉。
The attitude they show for their history is very impressive, and to our best knowledge, we believe it’s rare for alumni association to take down what happened in such a formal manner and edit them into books. Those books are now available in HIT museum for visitors from all over the world. It’s impressive not only by creating the books but also their way of organizing the contents. It is very clean, neat, in order, and in different languages. We can easily infer how they perform in work and life — clean, neat and in great order. In addition, it’s an exciting passion making everybody feel touched. It represents a special element that support their success in the past, at present and in the future, as shown by their descendants. During the meeting, Victor led us singing a popular Chinese song in school time. The song was hot before many younger students were born. The rhythm penetrated time and space, magically brought us back to the old days.
A special element that support HIT alumni for their success in the past, at present and in the future:

Our seniors created adorable life paths out of many challenges. They marched forward as a group, supported by friendships nurtured from school time. They devote themselves to excellence and positive attitude. They documented their valuable experiences not just for themselves but also for all new comers of our community. Among all those documentary items, we recommend a book written by Mara, The Harbin Files, translated into Chinese. It will give readers enriched experiences in those old times. Their passion and love for life will benefit everyone.

说来也巧,今天的微信圈到处都是悉尼的雷暴天气和巨大的雷雨云。可是在今天的聚会过程中,一直风和日丽,绝对算的上天公作美。大家在热烈的气氛中结束了这次聚会。另外今天还是一个特殊的日子,Mara 的父母结婚纪念日. 每一个元素都带着特殊的意味.
It happened that Sydney were facing storm weather this afternoon, and social media were bombarded by photos of heavy raining with dark clouds. However, during today’s gathering, the weather was magically good and sunny. It might be a sign from the sky to send holy wishes. Moreover, today is the wedding anniversary of Mara’s parents, adding more special feeling for our events. Here is a photo when they were very young.

We want to say ‘thank you’ for those young people in the past and today’s seniors. You walked the talk and built a history; you made examples for pursuing honour, striving for excellence, overcoming challenges, being united regardless where you were. You showed strong tie to our Alma mater. Your song for your special homeland in local language expressed deep love to it. Your spirit will inspire all younger generations to be strict in qualification and make every endeavour in their study.

—— 2015年11月7日,后半夜3点,于悉尼。
Drafted on 7, Nov’15, Edited on Nov 11, 2015
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Extremely saddened to hear about Alec (Mara’s father) passed away on Feb 13, 2016. Our association express our condolences and hope Andrew, Mara and Inna (Mara’s mom) are ok during this difficult time.